ESCAPE THE DINOSAUR STAMPEDE! | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Free Online Game -

ESCAPE THE DINOSAUR STAMPEDE! | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Free Online Game

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A free online game for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has released where you must guide your Gyrosphere down the valley from the film, avoid the stampeding dinosaurs and wrecked vehicles until you… fall to your death off the edge anyway.
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Video made possible thanks to my awesome Patreon supporters for March 2018: Christopher Seeley, Rae J, Sam Lowe,
Umarth Agarwaen, Stacey Blackburn, Iwan, James McCaughan, Jamie Nikstad, Matthew Adams, John Dotts, Becca Williams, Danny Williams, Alexander Bjarnason, Corpsehatch, Andrew Cotterell, Joshua Fay, Harvey Sharp, Frankor, Melanie Verhoef, Irene Thung, Douglas Cranston, Logan Wright
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ESCAPE THE DINOSAUR STAMPEDE! | Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Online Game

Jurassic World 2 Fallen Kingdom is the sequel to the box-office hit Jurassic World. Releasing in 2018 it’ll star humans AND A BUNCH OF DINOSAURS like the velociraptor Blue, the Tyrannosaurus Rex Rexy, new ones such as the hybrid Indoraptor and a bunch of others trying to escape from Islar Nublar. In this playlist we’ll speculate about Fallen Kingdom, breakdown the trailers and review the film when it eventually comes out. Does Blue the Velociraptor have a Baby Velociraptor of her own as well?

No swearing, family friendly commentary.
Content daily around 9/10pm UTC