The Universal – Free Online Game
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The Universal is a free online game which has a small community but very close and everyone knows each other well. The game gives you access to design your own world how you want it to be, you can try out models and textures ingame, create heightmaps for your world, create new weapons easily using scripts (like the cow cannons as seen in the video). So far ive seen racing worlds, pirate worlds, medieval worlds, business tycoon worlds, rpg type worlds, all player designed worlds which is made easy by the use of the World Creator. It even comes with an easy to use guide telling you all the functions and commands. If your more into battling and such then you could try out space, where you can trade resources between planets as to make space money to buy new ships, new weapons, and ship accessories. These are easy to gain and you can be a fully armed space pirate in no time choosing either a path of evil or good.
Download Now and join in on the action!
P.S sorry about the bad quality video, Youtube turned it to crap.