Top 10 Free Old School Online Games Still Going Strong -

Top 10 Free Old School Online Games Still Going Strong

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Top 10 Free Old School Online Games Still Going Strong:

10: S4 LEAGUE (original release: KR 2006)

9: DUNGEON FIGHTER ONLINE (original release: KR 2005)

8: WIZARD101 (original release: NA 2008)

7: THE LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE (original release: NA 2007)

6: MAPLESTORY (original release: KR 2003)

5: DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ONLINE (original release: NA 2006)

4: RAGNAROK ONLINE (original release: KR 2002)

3: MABINOGI (original release: KR 2004)

2: RUNESCAPE (original release: NA 2001)

1: EVERQUEST (original release: NA 1999)

Top 10 Free Old School Online Games Still Going Strong

It’s 2015 and online gaming has been around for quite a while now. We’ve had a lot of fun with hundreds, even thousands of online games but in such a competitive world, only the strong survive and stick with us for a decade or more. While there are plenty of new games being released every month, some players just won’t trade the classics for anything in the world. Which classics, some of you ask? Well, here’s something of a history lesson for those that weren’t into online games several years ago.


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Video Editing and Script: Vítor “Alexkayl” Braz
Voice Work: Skylent Shore:
Intro: The Easton Ellises ()
BGM: Together We Rule the World – Tomas Skyldeberg

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