Top 10 Free Third-Person Competitive Online Games 2014~2015 | FreeMMOStation.com
Top 10 Free Third-Person Competitive Online Games 2014~2015
10: Panzar
9: Dizzel
8: Transformers Universe
7: Zombies Monsters Robots (Hazard Ops)
6: Nosgoth
5: Rise of Incarnates
4: Loadout
3: Orcs Must Die! Unchained
2: Ghost Recon Phantoms
Even though we’re going through a seemingly endless MOBA overload, competition isn’t limited to this genre – we just love our third-person action games and even more shooting the hell out of our human enemies. You won’t see any first-person shooters in this list, only third-person games and please note that we’re focusing quite a bit on the newest games, some of them still undergoing development, so that’s why you won’t be seeing S4 League here, for example.
But rest assured that we’ve already played all of them and know what we’re talking about! Let’s begin with our countdown for the Top 10 Free Third-Person Competitive Online Games 2014~2015!
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Video Editing and Script: Vítor “Alexkayl” Braz
Voice Work: Skylent Shore:
Music: The Easton Ellises ()